Civil Litigation - Water leakage, Costs argument, Bankruptcy, Winding Up, Annulment of bankruptcy, HCMP action, Construction Arbitration, enforcement of arbitral award, specific discovery of documents, personal injury case, divorce case, ancillary relief, legal consultation 漏水, 破產, 仲裁, 工傷, 交通意外索償, 離婚諮詢
Criminal Litigation - Legal visit in police station, ICAC, Competition Commission, Privacy Commission, Security and Futures Commission, bail application, mitigation of sentence, adjournment of case, trial, traffic offence, sexual offence, assault, money laundering, deception and money related case, legal consultation 公事探訪, 廉政公署, 競爭委員會, 私隱專員公署, 求請, 保釋申請, 押後申請, 審訊, 認罪 / 不認罪, 諮詢
Whatsapp: 46743528
Fees: HK$2,000.00
This fee is for consultation (face-to-face or remote) inclusive of reading documents - 包括首次法律諮詢費用(1小時內包括閱讀文件)
Whatsapp 98482642